Retired street sweeper makes great brush Keith Bachelder of Epsom, N.H., attached this old street sweeper head to the wall of his freestall barn. The sweeper cost him nothing, and it works great as
As printed in our October 25, 2013 issue... ROUTINE USDA REPORTS have gone unpublished since the October 1 government shutdown. Crop Progress, Dairy Market News and Dairy Products were not released as...
Cross your fingers; continued profitability may be in the cards for dairy producers in 2014. At an outlook conference in Twin Falls, Idaho, last week, Daily Dairy Report editor Mary Ledman (seen here)...
Webinar focuses on maximizing feed inputs. "The crop year's over ... now what?" That was the topic of the webinar on Monday, October 14. Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois, presented the webinar and...
As printed in our October 10, 2013 issue... THE HOUSE PASSED THE FOOD PORTION of its farm bill. Now, the nutrition title can be married to the 11 previously passed farm components. After that, the House...
Simple platform works well With a few pieces of scrap iron and three 2 by 8 boards, we built this platform on the 3-point hitch of our tractor. It can be lowered to the ground and raised up again. We find...
Welcome to Hoard's @ Expo! The staff at Hoard's Dairyman has prepared this section just for youwith pre-show stories, schedules, history, photos and our Hoard's @ Expo blog. We'll be posting new content...
Hoard's at Expo Photo Galleries 2013 10.7.2013 Views from World Dairy Expo – Saturday 10.5.2013 Views from World Dairy Expo – Friday 10.5.2013 Views from World Dairy Expo – Thursday 10.4.2013...
by Corey Geiger, Hoard's Dairyman Managing Editor 2013 Merle Howard Award winner: Cassy Krull A three-breed award winner equally well known in Red and White, Holstein and Jersey circles, Cassy Krull has...
Friday night sale averages over $26,000 on 48 head. The World Classic Sale has been touted as the International Marketplace with its worldwide consignments and purchases leaving an imprint in Holstein...
Richard Caverly, Benton, Maine, won the coveted Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award presented during the 47th World Dairy Expo, in memory of Duncan McKenzie, 1961 Klussendorf winner
Wayne Conard, Sharon Springs, N.Y., was named the 72nd winner of the Klussendorf Trophy, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States. The award is made in memory of Arthur...
As printed in our September 25, 2013 issue... THE FATE OF THE FARM BILL remained uncertain at the magazine's close. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Ohio) indicated the House would consider a food...
Shoe rack serves as feed retaining wall Some auger mixers have a tendency to spill over the low front end, so we bolted a double shoe rack to the flat stock of the mixer wall with a washer and locknut....
As printed in our September 10, 2013 issue... CORN AND SOYBEAN FUTURES CONTRACTS stiffened in late August trading after one of the wettest springs on record gave way to an abnormally dry summer. July and...
Click to open the August 2013 Hoard's Dairyman Bull List This bull list appears on pages 577 to 580 of the September 10, 2013 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
Homemade tractor weight Tractor weights can be expensive to purchase and cumbersome to attach. Stuart Meier of Rademacher Dairy in Sun Prairie, Wis., created this tractor weight using a 4,000-pound concrete...
As printed in our August 25, 2013 issue... GRAIN MARKETS CONTINUE TO SOFTEN as corn was down over 40 percent from last August's record highs; soybeans were down 20 percent. Futures prices for corn ranged...
Fender keeps skid steer cleaner Stuart Meier at Rademacher Dairy in Sun Prairie, Wis., created this fender for the skid steer using a simple piece of steel and some welding. This helps keep the machine
As printed in our August 10, 2013 issue... THE HOUSE PASSED A FARM-ONLY farm bill in mid-July by a 216 to 208 vote with only Republicans in favor of passage. It only included 11 of the traditional 12 titles...